Step 1: Install SOHODOX on Server machine
Install SOHODOX in Server mode on the Server machine or any machine on the network.
1. Double click the sdxsetup.exe setup file to run it and follow the onscreen instructions.
2. Choose Single User Installation or Server Installation option and continue with the setup.
3. It
is recommended not to change the default port (7733) used by SOHODOX server for incoming client connections. Proceed ahead with the setup.
4. You can specify the path for the SOHODOX Databases folder to a different drive if required from the default location. If you plan to use a mapped drive, make sure you specify the UNC path of the location.
5. Finish the installation.
6. Start SOHODOX.
Step 2: Convert your SOHODOX DB to SQLExpress based DB
To work in a multi-user environment you will first have to install MS
SQL Server Express and then convert the Sohodox DB to MS SQL Server
Instructions to install MS SQL Server express Edition is available here...
Step 3: Configure SOHODOX on the server for multi-user environment.
To do this, the folder in which the SOHODOX databases is installed should be accessible from other machines on your network.
Make sure SOHODOX is not running on the machine.
the folder in which SOHODOX DBs are located (This is usually the
‘C:\Sohodox Databases’ folder). When you use Sohodox over the network
(multi-user environment), you will need to share the 'C:\Sohodox
databases' folder and provide Change permissions on the Share as well.
To do this...
- Right-click on the ‘Sohodox databases’ folder and click on
Properties. The Properties dialog will be launched. Click on the
'Sharing' tab. Enable Sharing.
- Click on the 'Permissions' button on this dialog. Make sure you add
the users who will need to work with Sohodox to this list, giving the
user 'Modify' permission. Click on OK.
- Also make sure you provide Modify/Write permissions on the folder to
the all the windows users who will use Sohodox in a multi-user
Login to SOHODOX and go to the Settings section.
In the left pane select File Stores. Double-click on the 'Default File Store'. This should
open the 'File Store - Default File Store' window.
In the Select or enter the path for file store option replace the local path of the file store to the UNC path.
for e.g. the local path should be C:\Sohodox Databases\MainDB\Default File Store
The UNC path should look like \\server-name\Sohodox Databases\MainDB\Default File Store
Once you've entered the correct UNC path, click on the Save and close button to apply the changes.
Login as superadmin, from SOHODOX Server. Select the Tools tab and click the Multi-user DB button.
A dialog will now pop up. Click the Automatic button on it.
The Multi-User Configuration window will be launched and will start configuring your DB automatically for multi-user environment.
Once the DB is configured Status will display Configuration Completed on the MultiUser Configuration window. Click the Close button to close the window.
The DB will now be ready for multi-user environment.
You will have to
make a note of the Server URL for installing and configuring Sohodox on
the client machine. You can get the Server URL (http://machinename:7733) from... click the Big round button on the top left corner of the screen >> select About Sohodox option, the Server URL will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Step 4: Install Sohodox on the Client machine
There are no separate setup files for Sohodox Server and Client. You can use the same setup file that you have downloaded.
1. Double click the sdxsetup.exe setup file to run it and follow the onscreen instructions.
2. Choose Client Installation option and continue with the setup.
3. Specify the path for the Sohodox Server. You can copy the Server URL which would be like http://machinename:7733. Click on Test Connection to verify the URL. Once verified continue with the setup.
4. Specify the location to install Sohodox. Click Next to go to the Install page.
5. Click the Install button to begin the installation.
6. Now, start Sohodox.
That’s it! SOHODOX is now configured for multi-user environment.
Please follow Step 4 for in case you have multiple Client machines.