Connection to the server failed.
Cause: SOHODOX cannot connect to the server installation.
There could be many reasons for this, you can follow the below steps to
fix this issue.
Step 1:
If your Operating System language is not English...
Go to C:\ProgramData\ITAZ\Sohodox\Web Server folder.
Select and Open the webserver.config file with Notepad.
Delete the values included between <LastModifiedOn>------</LastModifiedOn> tag.
Save this file. Now, start SOHODOX.
If the Operation System language is in English or if this does not solve the issue then move to Step 2
Step 2: Make sure you have entered the right connection credentails.
- Launch SOHODOX Login Manager.
- Once the SOHODOX Login Manager dialog appears, Enter http://server-machine-name:7733 in the URL field located besides the Test Connection button.
where server-machine-name – Name of the machine where SOHODOX is installed in Server mode
- Click on Test Connection button to verify if the provided Server URL is correct. Click on OK, if the Connection is tested successfully.
Step 3: Restart the ITAZ SOHODOX Server and SQL Server Service
- Go to Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Services panel in Windows.
Search and restart 'ITAZ Sohodox Server' service and / or 'SQL Server' service from the Services panel.
Restart Sohodox.
You should now be able to login to SOHODOX.
Step 4: Check if SOHODOX is able to connect to the SQL Server DB
Open the browser (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox Or Internet Explorer)
If the connection is successful, you should notice a page with XML values.
If not, you should see a error message. Please send us the error message.