DB/User Profile XML problems

DB/User Profile XML problems

Solution :

You will have to perform the below steps on the machine on which SOHODOX is installed in the Server mode.

Please make sure that you back up the SOHODOX Databases.



To solve this issue follow the steps below...

  • Close SOHODOX on all the machines

  • Open the Windows Command Line window.

  • You can open the Windows Command Line by opening the Run dialog (Windows button + R) and in the RUN dialog type cmd. Press Enter, the Windows Command Line Window will be launched.

  • In the Command Line window type the following at the cursor...

                "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sohodox Desktop\Sohodox.exe" /resetdbprofile /dbid=1

             (Assuming SOHODOX is installed in the default location)

  • Now, hit the Enter key.

  • You will be prompted to login with the credentials of the superadmin user.You will receive a confirmation message 'Command line tasks performed successfully'

  • Now start SOHODOX and check if the issue is resolved.

In case the issue persists, then you will have  to follow the instructions below...


  • In the Command Line window type the following at the cursor if you are facing the issue for a particular user...

          "C:\Program Files (x86)\Sohodox Desktop\Sohodox.exe" /resetuserdbprofile /dbid=1 /username=Bob

     (where Bob is the username for a user in SOHODOX who currently faces the issue)

  • In the Command Line window type the following at the cursor if you are facing the issue for all the users...

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\SOHODOX Desktop\Sohodox.exe" /resetuserdbprofile /dbid=1 /username=#all                               

  • Now, hit the Enter key.

  • You will be prompted to login with the credentials of the superadmin user. 

  • You will receive a confirmation message 'Command line tasks performed successfully'

  • Now start SOHODOX and check if the issue is resolved.